We caught up with local BSD Worldwide Crew shredder, Guy Scroggie, in between him filming for the new Substance Store video and shifts working at The Loading Bay skatepark to shoot a bike check with his peach fade ALVX AF. Read on to see the parts Guy chooses to run and a few words from him about how he likes to setup his bike...

Guy's ALVX AF Setup:
Frame | : | Peach fade 20.8" BSD ALVX AF frame |
Bars | : | Flat Raw BSD Leezus bars in 1" OS |
Grips | : | Black BSD Leezus Handles |
Bar Ends | : | Black BSD Forever bar ends |
Stem | : | Black BSD 1" OS Levelled stem |
Headset | : | Substance Integrated headset |
Forks | : | Flat Black BSD Jonesin' Fork |
Sprocket | : | Black 25 tooth BSD Jonesin' Sprocket |
Cranks | : | Flat Black BSD Substance XL cranks 165mm |
Pedals | : | Black BSD Jonesin' pedals |
Chain | : | Black BSD 1991 halflink chain |
Rear Hub | : | Black BSD Westcoaster Hub with Jersey Barrier hubguards |
Rear Tire | : | Black BSD Donnastreet tire 2.3″ |
Rear Rim | : | Black BSD NASA rim |
Front Hub | : | Black BSD Front Street Pro hub with Jersey Barrier hubguards |
Front Tire | : | Black BSD Donnastreet tire 2.4″ |
Front Rim | : | Black BSD NASA rim |
Pegs | : | BSD Rude Tube XL LT V2 pegs |
Seat | : | Fat black BSD Acid Flashback Seat |
Seat Post | : | Black BSD Blitzed post |

" I ride the ALVX AF frame because it has the perfect geometry for my style of riding. The 20.8" top tube is a perfect size for mixing park and street and having the short back end helps massively with a lot of tech tricks and spins. This makes the bike easier to spin around for me and handle and it has got to be the best feeling frame I've rode since starting on 20" wheels.
I also run the Leezus bars because they are my favourite height of bars and feel right setup on the ALVX. They come 28.5" wide which is what I've always cut my bars to in the past so that's a massive advantage not having to cut them down! I chose flat raw Leezus bars recently to spice it up a bit to go with the peach fade frame and its looking a treat!
I just put on BSD's newest cranks, the Substance XL V2. I ride them in 165mm as it goes with the geometry of the frame and the short back end. Having the shortest size of cranks has made a massive difference to my riding especially when doing spins out of grinds and for manuals and barspins. They give you extra clearance when running 4 pegs so I don't hit my foot off the back pegs as much. "

Having the shortest size of cranks has made a massive difference to my riding especially when doing spins out of grinds and for manuals and barspins...

I ride the ALVX AF frame because it has the perfect geometry for my style of riding. The 20.8" top tube is a perfect size for mixing park and street...