Name: Corey Holdgate
D.O.B: July 7, 1995
Hometown: Wakefield - hold tight the Thornes crew!
Currently Resides: Wakefield / Leeds
Riding Since: Since I was about 14/15 years old I reckon.
Local Spot: Thornes Park Wakefield / Hyde Park (Worlds greatest flat ledge!)
Travel Destination: Barcelona for sure! Anything else I’m not fussed as long as the sun is out and the Desperados are cold.
Contest: DUB Jams are always sick to ride. Simple Session / Battle Of Hastings to watch and party!
Rider(s) & why: All the Thornes boys for sure! And all the BSD boys! Way too many fave riders but if I had to pick one, it would need to be Dan Paley. Wouldn’t be where I am without him that’s for sure, so big love to you brother!
Video Part & why: Anything from Garret Reynolds or Alex Donnachie! Earliest memory of a video part would be Kriss Kyle's part where he wakes up in Unit 23, makes breakfast then rides. Used to watch that part every day at school! hahaha
Sponsors: BSD
Get Connected: @coreyholdgatemate