Name: Tomi Gallardo
D.O.B: October 17, 1994
Hometown: Mendoza, Argentina
Currently Resides: Barcelona, Spain
Riding Since: Since I was 13 years young...
Local Spot: Argentina - The old plaza San Martín. BCN - Parallel
Travel Destination: I am stoked on anywhere my bike takes me! THNX BMX LIFE.
Contest: NNJAMS and any local jams (support your local jams!)
Rider(s) & why: Mendoza local guys, PS Homies Crew, IRRS crew, because they are my gang!
Video Part & why: Edwin's part in Animals Can I Eat. AK's Talk Is Cheap part and finally David Grant's BSD VX Rated part. All too sick!
Sponsors: BSD, PsHomies, Dstrbrand and IRRSCREW.
Get Connected: @tomi.munakuy